Friday, December 12, 2014

Agree to Disagree

I am a feminist because I believe women should be equal to men.

This is the meaning of feminism, but many have interpreted this definition in different and sometimes radical ways. Shulamith Firestone is a perfect example, as she led the radical feminist movement in the 1960s. Though she fought for women's rights, she took the movement to a new level that in many ways I don't agree with. With these disagreements, I could either brush them off and simply make the claim that she was delusional and an overwhelming 'crazy radical,' or I could examine her ideas and compare them with mine. Choosing to do the latter does mean that an argument will happen, but learning often cannot come without dissent.

One topic Firestone argued was that the traditional family structure is restrictive and should be broken down completely. Coming from a loving and supportive family, I cannot imagine life in the society that she proposes. My experiences have instilled family values that are very important to me and in many ways central to who I am today.

A key point that Firestone brings up in this debate is child abuse, and it is important to address. Many families are in fact destructive, and cannot be easily fixed. In these cases, Firestone says, children should be able to leave in order to protect themselves. I agree with her that there needs to be action to protect the members of these abusive families, but I do not agree that the basis of families is wrong.

She makes the claim that the patriarchal structure of a family causes both women and children to forever be held captive in the restraints of a societal creation. In response to this, I do agree that there should be equality between spouses in a family, however, I also believe that there is a sacred and loving bond that exists in families that should not be removed.

Firestone also promoted the idea that childbearing should be gotten rid of all together in order to make sexual distinctions nonexistent. As a woman, I wholeheartedly disagree with the fact that my ability to reproduce causes me to be less equal in comparison to men. I do see her point in that pregnancy is seen to make a woman weak in the eyes of society, but that is the problem we need to fight, not the pregnancy itself.

Also, I believe that equality, not neutrality, is necessary in society. Firestone was aiming for the complete removal of differences between the sexes, which is not the same as being equal. I see the goal of equality to be based more on highlighting the differences between the sexes, while still treating each group the same way - not just making everyone the same.

When discussing Firestone's beliefs and passions, it is also important to look at the situation she lived through. She grew up in an Orthodox home with a controlling and almost abusive father. Her mother was completely submissive to her husband, and Firestone herself was expected to behave in the same way. When looking at her arguments about families, it is easy to see why she believed the traditional structure is flawed and should be gotten rid of. Her family situation also helps contribute to an understanding of her idea of de-sexing society. As there was an enormous difference in duties and power between men and women in her household, I can see why she thought that the sexes themselves should simply be done away with.

I still may not agree with everything Firestone stood for, but I do admit that with a closer analysis on her arguments as well as her life, I can see more clearly the reasons behind her passions and do acknowledge that I might feel the same way if I had lived through the things she lived through.

Monday, December 1, 2014

6 Little Problems in a Big World

Looking young is a prized characteristic in today's society. However, when you look years younger when you are actually still quite young, it becomes an issue. Add this to a height deficiency and you become nothing more than an overaged child in the world's eyes.
Here are 6 problems that everyone who has this unfortunate combination (like me) understands:

1. "Can I see your ID?.....Wait, one more time?"

Every. Single. Time. 
This question comes along with that disbelieving look as they check one more time to make sure they saw the ID correctly and that it's actually mine. I haven't experienced this at a bar (I'm not 21 yet), but it's just as bad just waiting in line for an R-rated movie. 

2. Kids' Menu!
It wasn't until a few years ago that I stopped getting the kid's menu question simply because I looked like I was 12. Sure, I'd love to color at the table now, but all I wanted back then was to be older. But was that even imaginable with people treating me like a child? Nope.

3. "You're HOW old?"

Yes, yes I am.
There's nothing left to say.

4. "You're the older one??" 

I've gotten this one my whole life, as my sister has always been taller than me. This picture is of my first day of senior year and my sister's first day of freshman year. Yes, I am still the same height now, and, yes, my sister has gotten even taller. Now more than ever I get the age confusion from people, and I doubt it'll ever go away. 

5. Respect? Forget about it.

No matter how much you insist you are in fact an adult, you will never be respected in quite the same way as those who look their age or older. It's just not possible with your short view on life and your "cute" personality. Just accept it, there's nothing you can do about it. 

6. "That means you'll look really young when you're 40!"

Ok, sure, maybe, but what about right now? I'm just supposed to wait around until my age finally catches up with me? Maybe I'll appreciate when I'm older but I don't see that happening any time soon. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

Thinking Outside the Box

Raise your hand if you consider yourself a busy person. Yep, so am I. Now raise your hand if you seem to have 99+ problems that just need to go away. Yeah, I thought so. Now (be honest) raise your hand if you stopped being busy for just a few seconds today and thought about helping someone out in some small way. A little less confident about this one? Now think about just one single time today you completely halted your mess of a schedule and took the time to take action to do some sort of helpful deed.

This reality is the point that the Operation Christmas Child box brings to the table; we need to look up and realize the impact we can have in someone's life.

Operation Christmas Child is a project done by Samaritan's Purse, which is a Christian organization focused on reaching out to hurting people around the world. The Christmas boxes are given to churches all around the United States, where the members fill the boxes with items such as school supplies, candy, toys, hygiene necessities, etc. The boxes are then collected and distributed in developing communities around the world.

The foundation of this distribution is, in fact, Christian and mission-centered, but the argument made by the box is not limited to a spiritual viewpoint. The boxes are sometimes the only presents a child will get in their lifetime, and make a difference in their education, health, as well as their safety in some cases.

Some tips found in the instructions:

"A stuffed animal/doll is a deterrent against human traffickers (as they use such toys as lures)."

"a stocking cap serves as a pillow, a washcloth used as a bath towel (for several people), a plastic cup or water bottle may be the only cup of fresh water the child will get to drink in a day as they need a vessel to bring back purified water from the purification station."

"Erasers are highly recommended as they will erase their paper several times over until it is paper thin."

It's mind-blowing to think that a simple beanie baby or water bottle may just save the life of a child on the other side of the world. On a more personal level, when shopping for the objects to go inside this box, I was once again struck by the reality of just how blessed I am and how much I take for granted on a daily basis. This realization is also imbedded in the argument presented by the box, as it makes people in our privileged society take a moment and look at the suffering world around them.

Ok, let's be realistic for a moment. Will this stuffed animal I'm sending to a child truly change their entire life? Maybe not. Will this eraser really change a child's whole education experience? Not necessarily. Even looking at us, will everyone doing this project be struck by their privilege and be thankful? Probably not.

But are there lives that will be changed? Definitely.

The point is that we have the potential to make a difference with something as simple as a box. A box that is so ordinary it is considered trash in most homes in America.

When we take a moment to look outside of the physical box in front of us and see the world, it can change not only our lives, but the lives of people around us.